Unit Linked Wealth Single
Insurance plan which has both insurance and investment component that will help you create a lump sum and support your goals financially and an opportunity to take care of your loved ones’ financial needs and comfort in the event of death, disability or critical illness.
Product Highlights
Single premium bou Coverage period Age of 99
or Until cash value of investment be able to pay policy expense
Sum assured 130% of one time payment an opportunity for investment
No additional charge for single premium an opportunity to grow your money
Product feature
- Issue Age : 1 month - 75 years
- Coverage period : until age of 99
- Payment Period : One time
- Premium Start : 100,000 THB
- Channel Available to buy : Agent
Product Detail
Life Coverage
coverage until attaining the age of 99
Premium Payment Period
Single payment
1) Single Premium: Minimum sum assured: 50,000 baht/ Policy
Age: 1 month - 65 years: not exceed 150 million baht
Age: 66 - 75 years: not exceed 100 million baht
2) Top-up Premium: Minimum premium 100,000 baht/time and no maximum
Eligible Age: 1 month-75 years (receive a whole life protection up till 99 years old)
Sum assured: Receive 130% of the single premium
Death Benefit
If the insured dies within the stated term period, the policy is active, a death benefit will be paid as following
If the insured dies within the stated term period, the company will pay according the redemption value of investment units of the top-up premium (if any) and the amount greater than between
1) The sum assured in insurance is determined in the policy schedule or endorsements (if any) less accumulated amount withdrawn from single premium (if any)
2) The sum of redemption value of investment units of single premium plus 30% amount of single premium
If the insured dies, a beneficiary must notify the company within fourteen (14) days of the date of death. The company will sell the investment units at the redemption price as of the day following the date that the company received a letter of the death claim and approval of the payment of claims (if any). If there are any insurances and unpaid administration fees outstanding under this policy the amount of such liability will be deducted from the amount received.
Maturity Benefit
In case that the insured is alive upon the contract maturity, the Company will pay according to account value with the reduced COI and policy administration charge according to the number of days that have been covered.
Fund Switching
The insured requires, in writing, to switch a some or full mutual fund document from one investment to another by redemption of investment units at redemption price of the original fund, then purchase investment units of the destination fund as specified in the investment notification form, which terms and conditions as designated by the company.
The insured requires the submission of a claim form to withdraw money from the policy in accordance with company policy
The minimum withdrawal at 5,000 baht and remaining account value after deducting debt (if any) at least 10,000 baht, calculated from the latest redemption price by partial withdrawal money from any policy in accordance with company policy.
The insured will receive money for redemption of investment units within five (5 days) s from the date of redemption of investment units and have been informed of the redemption value of each fund for every fund except in the case where the Asset Management Company has been granted a waiver of net asset value, NAV, offer, bid, and redemption price from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the company postponing the payment for redemption according to the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The applicant should understand the details of coverage and conditions before deciding to apply for insurance every time. And when the insurance policy has been received, please study the details, terms, and conditions of the policy.
The applicant is advised to have an understanding about the product characteristics, conditions of returns and risk structure, as well as to study, read, and have a thorough understanding about the information contained in the sales supporting documents and the fund prospectus before making decisions on insurance and investment.
Schedule of Policy Fees and Charges
The net amount at risk refers to the sum assured deducted by the single premium. The net amount at risk throughout the contract must not be less than 30% of the single premium.
The Company reserves the right to change the policy fee with the approval of the registrar for each policy fee change. The Company shall notify the Insured of such changes in writing at least three (3) months in advance.
Cost of Insurance. The company shall deduct from the auto-redemption of investment units of Money Market Fund (MMF), at the redemption price, under the single premium policy for insurance payment on the month that is policy anniversary (date of the policy). In the event of on the policy anniversary, if there is no redemption price, the Company will use the redemption price as of the first appraisal date according to the terms and conditions specified in the fund's prospectus or the date that can be operated according to the Company's rules which may be changed later. In the event of the redemption value of investment units of money market funds (Money Market Fund: MMF) under a single premium policy on the redemption date is insufficient for insurance deduction. The company will automatically switch the fund according to the company's specifications and if the above is not enough to deduct insurance fees again. Therefore, it will be deducted from the Money Market Fund (MMF) under the policy account, top-up premium policy (if any).
Administration Fee. The company shall deduct from the auto-redemption of investment units of Money Market Fund (MMF), at the redemption price, under the single premium policy and under top-up premium policy (if any) for insurance payment on the month that is policy anniversary (date of the policy). In the event of the policy anniversary, if there is no redemption price, the Company will use the redemption price as of the first appraisal date according to the terms and conditions specified in the fund's prospectus or the date that can be operated according to the Company's rules which may be changed later. In the event of the redemption value of investment units of money market funds (Money Market Fund: MMF) under a single premium policy on the redemption date is insufficient for administration fee. The company will automatically switch the fund according to the company's specifications and if the above is not enough to deduct insurance fees again. Therefore, it will be deducted from the Money Market Fund (MMF) under the policy account, top-up premium premiums (if any).
The applicant should understand the details of coverage and conditions before deciding to apply for insurance every time. And when the insurance policy has been received, please study the details, terms, and conditions of the policy.
The applicant is advised to have an understanding about the product characteristics, conditions of returns and risk structure, as well as to study, read, and have a thorough understanding about the information contained in the sales supporting documents and the fund prospectus before making decisions on insurance and investment.
Example benefits
Male 40 years old
Buy Unit-linked Wealth Single on January 1
Sum assured 1,300,000 baht
Single Premium 1,000,000 baht
The applicant should understand the details of coverage and conditions before deciding to apply for insurance every time. And when the insurance policy has been received, please study the details, terms, and conditions of the policy.
The applicant is advised to have an understanding about the product characteristics, conditions of returns and risk structure, as well as to study, read, and have a thorough understanding about the information contained in the sales supporting documents and the fund prospectus before making decisions on insurance and investment.
Rights of the Insured
The insured can return the insurance policy to the company within 15 days from the date of receiving the insurance policy from the company. The insured will receive a refund of the premium minus 500 baht each and a health check-up fee.
The Insured has the right to receive information about the allocation of premiums invested in the funds.
The Insured has the right to obtain a full prospectus containing details of the mutual fund project from a life insurance broker authorized
The Insured has the right to receive a full list of asset management companies offering management service by the company.
The Insured has the right to receive information about the name and address of the management company as well as the name and license number of the life insurance broker authorized by the company.
The Insured has the right to be informed of risks associated with the investment units that the Insured is advised to purchase including the warnings and explanations regarding risks of investment units.
The Insured has the right to be informed of facts that have impacts on the Insured’s benefits or on decision-making in investment such as offering of investment units of mutual funds under the process of merger or amalgamation, etc.
The Insured has the right to receive information about conflicts of interest such as fees or remunerations that the authorized broker of the company may receive from the purchase of an insurance plan as well as from the subscription or redemption of investment units, etc.
The Insured has the right to express the intention to refuse any further contact for a period of two years.
The rights of the unitholders of a unit linked insurance plan under an omnibus account may differ from those subscribing to investment units directly from the management company, for instance: In purchasing a unit linked insurance plan, the subscription price of investment units is not quoted on the purchase date as the life insurance application needs to go through the underwriting process after all relevant documents have been submitted. In this respect, the company will proceed to subscribe to the investment units for the client after the policy is approved.
Receipt of any fund-related documents may require a longer time than when directly purchasing with the management company as the company will deliver such documents to the clients after receiving them from the management company.
The company will deduct the cost of insurance and policy administration fee (please refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges) from the auto-redemption of investment units on a monthly basis.
The Insured has the right to surrender the policy according to conditions stipulated in the policy while the policy is in force and has a cash surrender value.
Terms and conditions of coverage will be specified in the policy issued to the policyholder.
The Insured has the duty to make premium payments. Collection of insurance premiums by the broker is only a facilitation service.
The applicant should take into consideration the ability to pay premiums since this policy is suitable for long-term savings and involves fund withdrawal charges which may result in the surrender value and the withdrawal value being lower than the redemption value of investment units. The applicant should study details in the fee schedule regarding cash withdrawal from the policy.
The applicant has an option to invest in the funds to fulfill their investment objective and take investment risks on their own. In this respect, the Insured are strongly advised to study the fund’s risks and other details in the prospectus.
During the policy’s in-force period, the policy may terminate in any year if the redemption value of the investment units is equal to or lower than zero or the redemption value of investment units is not sufficient to cover the policy fees.
A mutual fund is a legal entity separate from the life assurance company and the asset management company. Therefore, the life assurance company and the management company are not obliged to compensate for losses sustained by the funds under the unit linked insurance plan and shall not take advantage of the fund’s assets for the settlement of their own debts.
A mutual fund is a legal entity separate from the life assurance company and the asset management company. Therefore, the life assurance company and the management company are not obliged to compensate for losses sustained by the funds under the unit linked insurance plan and shall not take advantage of the fund’s assets for the settlement of their own debts.
The fund performance is neither affected by the financial status or the operating performance of the company
Unit linked life insurance is not a bank deposit and involves risks. The applicant is advised to have an understanding about the product characteristics, conditions of returns and risk structure, as well as to study, read, and have a thorough understanding about the information contained in the sales supporting documents and the fund prospectus before making decisions on insurance and investment. The Insured may receive a return higher or lower than the amount of premium allocated to the fund. If the fund posts a profit, the Insured shall receive high returns, but on the contrary, if the fund encounters a loss, the Insured may receive lower returns or suffer investment loss in some cases and may not get full returns from the investment. In this regard, the investment part of the unit linked plan is not guaranteed. If the policy is canceled or surrendered before maturity, the Insured may receive a return less than the amount of premiums that have been paid.
Investment is not deposit. The applicant is advised to have an understanding about the product characteristics, conditions of returns and risk structure before making decisions and investment. As well as to study past performance of a mutual fund is not a guarantee of future performance. In the case that the fund does not hedge the full amount of foreign exchange risk. Investors may lose or gain from exchange rate / or receive a refund lower than the initial investment.
The applicant is advised to study details of product information in the prospectus before deciding to buy insurance. After receiving the policy, the Insured is advised to study the terms and conditions in the policy contract.
Terms and Conditions of Service
Premium (excluding investment of policy) can be used for personal income tax deduction according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax No. 172
A single premium payment and/or top-up premium payment (if any) can be paid in cash or transferred to the account of Phillip Life Insurance Public Company Limited, along with delivering documents as specified by the company through a branch near your home or Head office counter or ITF branch counter